Abdukarimov Makhmadsalim Faizulloevich – Head of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics of the Tajik National University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
About the department
The Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics in 2001 was organized on the basis of two existing departments of that time “Applied Mathematics” and “Mechanics and Computational Methods” and is one of the influential departments of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
In 1961, the Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics was opened at the Tajik State University. The department was headed by V.Kh. Tashbaev. During this period, on the initiative of V.Kh. Toshboeva, a specialty in applied mathematics was opened at the department. To train specialists in this specialty, with the support of V. Tashbaev, several talented students were sent to universities in Moscow, Tashkent and Voronezh. To train specialists in this specialty with the support of V.Kh. Tashbaev several talented students were sent to universities in Moscow, Tashkent and Voronezh. In 1972, he was elected head of the department of applied mathematics at TSU named after V.I. Lenin and worked in this position until 1977. In 1977-1988, the head of this department was Associate Professor E.G. Samandarov. During this period, with the introduction of the Minsk-22 (1970) and ES1022 (1978) computers into operation, it became possible to raise the training of applied mathematics specialists to a higher level, to expand their research activities and worldview.
From 1988 to 2001, the head of the department was Associate Professor N. Shermatov. Teachers of the department gave lectures and conducted practical and laboratory classes in all departments of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics on the subject of probability theory and mathematical statistics, special courses and specialized laboratories. They also gave lectures and conducted practical classes at the faculties of physics, geology and all faculties of economics on the subject of probability theory and mathematical statistics. At the department, students specialized in probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Teachers of the department carried out scientific work on the budgetary scientific topic “Probabilistic-statistical models of some applied problems”, “Research and numerical solution of some differential and integral equations” and the topic ordered by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan “Mathematical modeling of plant growth”.
The teachers of the department wrote and published textbooks and guidelines on all subjects of the department. Over the years, academician of the AI RT, professor Z.D. worked at the department. Usmanov, associate professors B.A. Aliev, M.Kh. Khasanova, K.Sh. Kurtakov, I.Sh. Raufov, E.G. Samandarov, V.Kh. Toshbaev, N. Shermatov, R.I. Sadulloev, M.M. Muminov, R.E. Azizov, R.I. Bibikova, senior teachers A.R. Radjabov, M.K. Khojabekova and others.
In 1967, the Department of Mechanics began working at the faculty. Until 1977, the department was headed by Associate Professor M.Kh. Khasanova. In 1977, on the basis of this department, a new department of mechanics and computational methods was created. From 1977 to 2000, the head of the department was B.A. Aliev. At the department, students specialized in numerical methods and theoretical mechanics. The department was entrusted with conducting classes in theoretical mechanics, computational methods, computer science and computer technology at all natural and exact faculties of the university.
In the process of scientific research, the department had constant cooperation with the geological and mathematical research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Department of Mechanics and GANSH of Moscow University, Mathematical Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of Russia.
Leading employees of these research centers, such as academicians A.N. Tikhonov, A.A. Samarsky, professor V.G. Demin, V.A. Arsenin, Yu.M. Svirezhev, A.V. Grigorenko, A.M. Denisov and a number of others provided practical assistance to the department’s teachers in carrying out scientific work and helped in determining the direction of research.
It must be said that the scientific results achieved by the department are significant. This is evidenced by the fact that during this period, the teachers of the department, based on their scientific results, defended 1 doctoral dissertation (M.Kh. Khasanova) and 6 candidate dissertations, and also won an international scientific competition (B.A. Aliyev).
Writing and publishing educational materials, guidelines and textbooks has always been the focus of attention of the department’s staff. In recent years, 18 titles of such manuals have been published. Among them are “Basic methods of computational mathematics” (in 4 parts, consisting of 20 printed sheets), written by associate professors B.A. Aliev and N. Yukhanonov, is now used as a textbook in the mathematics departments of universities in the republic. In 1992, teachers of the department B.A. Aliev. and M. Ashurov wrote the textbook “Numerical Methods”, and in 2010 this book was republished with corrections and additions. Over the years, Professor Khasanova M.Kh., associate professors Aliev B.A., Yukhanonov N., Koenov D.Z., Ashurov M.A., Bakhromova Z.N., Olimshoev R., were engaged in teaching and research activities at the department. Pak D.N., Mavropulo I.A., Barinova T.Ya. and others. Associate Professor B.A. Aliyev is a laureate of the Komsomol Prize of Tajikistan in the field of science and technology (1974) and a recipient of a scholarship from the US International Science Foundation (George Soros Foundation) in 1993-1995. Professor M.Kh. Khasanova was awarded the Order of Sharaf. They are also both excellent students of education in Tajikistan and honored workers of the Republic of Tajikistan. Associate Professors Bakhromova Z.N. and Ashurov M. are also excellent students in education in Tajikistan.
From 2001 to 2008, the head of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Sadulloev. During this period, professors Khasanova M.Kh., Shermatov N.Sh., associate professors Aliev B.A., Ashurov M.A., Sadulloev R.I., Bakhromova Z.N., Azizov R.E., Ergasheva M. , Dzhuraev Kh.Sh., senior teachers Sharipova M.A., Kholmurodov T.R. engaged in teaching and scientific activities. In 2005-2007, the scientific project of the department’s teachers was Aliyeva B. and Juraev H.Sh. as the winner of the competition was financed by the main scientific fund of the President of Tajikistan. The teacher of the department, N. Shermatov, defended his doctoral dissertation in 2004 and has been working as a professor of the department since 2007.
The department trained specialists in numerical methods, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theoretical mechanics and fluid mechanics. Textbooks “Numerical methods” by associate professor Kh.Sh. Juraev. and “Fundamentals of probability theory and mathematical statistics” by Associate Professor R.I. Sadulloeva in collaboration with Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics Kh.R. Shukurov. were published. Professor N. Shermatov was awarded the Order of “Sharaf II degree” in 2004 and is an excellent student of public education in Tajikistan. Associate Professor Sadulloev R.I. is an excellent student of education in Tajikistan and was awarded two Certificates of Honor from TNU.
In 2008-2012, the head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor N. Shermatov. During this period, the honored teachers of the department were B.A. Aliyev, N. Shermatov, M. Ashurov, R.I. Sadulloev. and Ergasheva M. wrote 12 textbooks for students and schoolchildren, some of which were written by Professor B.A. Aliyev. Based on the educational materials written for 2006-2010, Professor B.A. Aliev. was awarded the Prize of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. Articles by teachers of the department have been published not only in scientific journals of the republic, but also abroad. Professor Shermatov N. is the owner of 6 invention certificates, the author of a monograph, co-author of 5 textbooks, participated and spoke at prestigious international conferences in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Spain, the USA and Germany. Under his leadership, two applicants defended their Ph.D. theses.
From 2013 to 2018, the head of the department was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor R.I. Sadulloev, and from 2018 to 2022 the department was headed by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Zarifzoda S.K. During these periods, the department also achieved significant success in various fields. In particular, the presentation of the Ismail Somoni Prize among young scientists to the teachers of the department Abdukarimov M.F. and Zarifzoda S.K. corresponds to these periods. Also Abdukarimov M.F. in 2013 he defended his candidate’s thesis, and in 2021 – his doctoral thesis, which is another success of the department during these periods.
Since 2022, the head of the department is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, laureate of the Ismoili Somoni Prize among young scientists, laureate of the international award “Commonwealth of Debuts” among young scientists of the CIS, excellent student of education and science of the Republic of Tatarstan Abdukarimov M.F. Currently, professor N.Sh. Shermatov, associate professor S.K. Zarifzoda, associate professor M.A. Ashurov, associate professor R.I. Sadulloev, associate professor M.E. Ergasheva, Ph.D., work at the department. senior teacher Mirzoev Sh.A., senior teacher Barotov R.T. and Ph.D., assistant Abdukarimzoda M.K. carry out their educational and scientific activities. The main subjects of the department are numerical methods, probability theory and mathematical statistics, theoretical mechanics, continuum mechanics, as well as special courses and specialized laboratories. The department trains specialists in the field of applied mathematics and mechanics.
Teachers of the department conduct research work on the general topic “Analytical research, qualitative analysis and numerical solution of problems in applied mathematics and mechanics.” For significant achievements in the field of science and education in 2023, Ph.D., assistant of the department Abdukarimzoda M.K. received the Prize of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of exact sciences. Also in 2023, Associate Professor Zarifzoda S.K. defended his doctoral dissertation and senior teacher Barotov R.T. defended his PhD thesis, which are currently under consideration by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Professors and teachers of the department have published more than 15 textbooks, 5 scientific monographs, more than 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals in the republic and abroad, 20 public articles and more than 500 abstracts of reports at republican and international conferences. The department makes a significant contribution to the organization of various scientific events, including conferences and seminars. In particular, in 2014, a republican conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor B.A. Aliyev was held at a high level on the basis of the department. on the topic “Modern problems of applied mathematics.” In recent years, 7 people have completed postgraduate studies at the department, 5 of whom defended their Ph.D. dissertations. Currently, there are 5 PhD students studying at the department who are successfully engaged in scientific research.
One of the indicators of the effectiveness of the department’s activities is work with students. The department has individual circles of Professor N. Shermatov and Associate Professor M. Ashurov. The result of the work of the department’s teachers is that students Abdukarimov M.F., Mirzozoda M., Olimjoni Pirahmad, Ashurov Sh., Ashurov Kh. in different years participated in mathematical Olympiads and scientific competitions for students both at the republican and international levels and took honorable places. Every year, students of the department make presentations at scientific conferences of TNU dedicated to Science Day, the scientific supervisors of which are teachers of the department. The potential of the department in the processes of education and science is great. All employees of the department are curators of academic groups and see it as their duty, first of all, to train high-level specialists for our beloved republic.