ustamova Khurshedabonu Rahimovna — Head of the department of information and communication technologies

Direction of the department: 98010101 “Computer and information security”
Joint specialties: Computational linguistics– 21050103, Chinese — informatics– 02030702
The main activity of the department is the training of specialists in the field of processing and use of computer information security tools and systems. Our students get acquainted with programming languages, the basics of computer technology, computer coding methods and cryptographic encryption methods, organization and protection of computer networks, technical means, coding algorithms and information security programs. Graduates will be able to use modern security methods, manage the software development process and analyze the security of computer systems against viruses. Good specialists in this field can work in various fields, for example, in government agencies, industrial enterprises, scientific institutions, banks and other companies. Our students write coursework and graduate work in the department’s core disciplines and participate in department clubs.
About of department
The department of information and communication technologies was created in 2004. The first head of the department (2004-2009) and its founder is candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Ashurov A. From 2009 to 2015, the head of the department was candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Dzhumaev E.H. From 2015 to 2021, the head of the department was Ashurov Kh. M. From 2021 to the present day, the head of the department is Rustamova Kh. R.
At the department working there are 10 teachers
- Rustamova Khurshedabonu Rahimovna – head of the department, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
- Nurov Ishokboy Jumaevich – doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
- Ashurov Khurshed Mirumarovich — candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
- Qurbonov Qenja Yulchievich — candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
- Pirov Saidali Mirzoalievich — senior lecturer
- Komilov Oqil Odilovich – candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer
- Jumaeva Nigina — senior lecturer
- Sharifzoda Zeboniso Ibrohim — candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior lecturer
- Musoev Suhaili — assistant