Head – Associate Professor S.Kh. Zokirov
Training highly qualified specialists of modern science for the national economy, in particular specialists in the field of education, engineering, technology, medicine, natural sciences, economics and humanities, is one of the main requirements of the day, and to achieve this goal, targeted and effective teaching of fundamental subjects, including including mathematics at all levels of education, plays a central role.
Every aspect of modern science, no matter what stage of development it is at, requires the application of the exact sciences. The reliability of scientific and advanced research in the natural, economic and humanities disciplines closely depends on the degree of application of the achievements of the exact sciences, in particular mathematics and modern computer technology. Teaching higher mathematics, as a fundamental discipline, has primarily the following goals: development of logical and algorithmic thinking of students; acquiring skills in modeling real processes; mastering methods of research and solving problems of industry content; mastering numerical methods for solving problems and their implementation on a computer. It is expected that after studying the subject of higher mathematics, the future specialist will acquire the following skills and knowledge: an understanding of mathematical science as a special means of perceiving the real world, the universality of its concepts and methods; use of mathematical symbols to express qualitative and quantitative relationships between objects; knowledge of methods and methods of information processing; graphical explanation of the study results; clarification of the concept of constructing natural, economic and sociological processes, taking into account their intended nature; ability to research, apply existing models and know the limits of their use to achieve the results obtained. This knowledge and skills include training future specialists for the deepest possible mastery of such vital disciplines as computer science, mathematical methods in physics, chemistry, biology, micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics, financial mathematics, game theory, optimal control, mathematical linguistics, reliability theory and efficiency, cartography.
One of the main goals of teaching mathematics for non-mathematical majors is to train specialists in mathematical research methods.
To achieve these goals and improve the quality of the educational process in mathematics and ensure its effectiveness in non-mathematical faculties, on the initiative of Associate Professor S.N. Mukhtorov. in 1971, the Department of Higher Mathematics was created at the Tajik State University (now Tajik National University).
Over the years, the position of head of the department of higher mathematics was occupied by the following persons: 1971-1982 – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Associate Professor S.N. Mukhtorov; 1982-2001 – Candidate of Sciences and Associate Professor Murtazoev D.M.; 2001-2011 – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Safarov J.H.; 2011-2012 – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Professor Tabarov A.Kh.; 2013-2018 – Ph.D. Associate Professor Zokirov S.Kh.; 2018-2020 – Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Associate Professor Boboerov Sh.K. Since April 2020, the position of head of the department has been occupied by Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Zokirov S.Kh.
The first teachers of the department were Ph.D. associate professors Mukhtarov S.N. Nematov F.Kh. Sirodzhiddinov Kh.M., Art. teachers Gafurov N.G., Sodikov A., assistants Lukyanova L.A. Nikiforova A.I., Zaichenko S.Ya. Murodov Yu.Kh., Jobirov A.Q. and Ganiev S.S.
In the first years of the organization of the department, its staff carried out a great deal of organizational and methodological work. During this period, curricula were developed and published in Tajik and Russian for full-time, evening and correspondence departments, several textbooks in Tajik and Russian, work programs in academic and specialized disciplines.
Over time, the department of higher mathematics became a scientific and methodological center. This was due to the fact that, in order to exchange scientific and methodological opinions, a methodological council of departments of higher mathematics of higher educational institutions of Tajikistan was created, headed by the head of the department of higher mathematics of TSU, associate professor S.N. Mukhtorov. In the first years of the department’s formation, one of the main tasks was the education of young personnel. The department managed to establish close connections with scientific centers of the former USSR and Tajikistan.
In the education of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the Department of Higher Mathematics, the share of scientists, academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan A. Juraev, N. Radzhabov, K. Kh. Boymatov, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.M. Lavrentev, professor M.A. Krasnoselsky, A.I. Janusauskas, V.N. Vragova, V.D. Belousova, A.S. Mekhaleva, M.M. Smirnova, J.H. Safarov and D.M. Murtazoeva is much larger.
In the second half of the seventies of the last century, the composition of the department was replenished with the help of employees of the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, associate professors Abdurakhmanov A., Murtazoev D.M., Nurubloev M. It was then that employees of higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and other departments came to the department of higher mathematics to work and study in graduate school. In 1982-2001, the department became one of the specialized departments of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. In 2001-2012, the department functioned as a university-wide department.
Replenishing the department with young people and experienced teachers has always been the focus of attention of the department heads. 1990-2000 at the expense of associate professors Kamalidinov J., Shirinbekov M. Shukurova H.R., Khalilov Sh.B., Dadoboev A.Kh.; 2001-2012 at the expense of associate professors Mulloeva S.Kh., Nimatov Kh., Tabarova A.Kh., Zokirov S.Kh., Mulloeva M.S. and assistants Karimov F., Khafizova M.; 2013-2020 at the expense of Professor A.S. Sattorov associate professors Kholikova A., Boboerova Sh.K. and assistants Mirzoeva S., Shukurova G., Iskandar J., Mirzoeva J., Rushanova B., Dadaboeva P. and Art. laboratory assistant Saizoda G., the composition of the department was replenished.
Teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics play a prominent role in the life of TNU. Professor Safarov J.H. in 2001-2005 he served as the first vice-rector of the university. For several years, the position of dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was occupied by associate professors of the department: Mukhtorov S.N. (1967-1980), Murtazoev D.M. (1980-1982), Gafurov N.T. d. (1985-1990), Dzhabirov A.Q. (1996-2000), Zokirov S.Kh. (2007-2008).
At the department, research work is carried out in one direction, one problem and one topic in 7 sections. The scientific seminar of the department is active. Since 2020, the department has been conducting master’s and doctoral studies – PhD. The contribution of the department’s scientists to the scientific activity of the country is significant. They are participants in congresses, congresses of world mathematicians, international and republican conferences.
For scientific research, Professor Safarov J.H. in 2001 received a grant from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, associate professor Shukurov H.R. in 2003 and Dotsent Tabarov A.Kh. in 2010 received a grant from the Open Society Institute-Assistance Fund. Several teachers of the department were chairman, scientific secretary and members of dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in mathematics. On the part of the government of the country, the outstanding merits of the professors of the department of Safarov J.H. and Murtazoeva D.M. and Dotsenta Mulloev S.Kh. were awarded the title “Honored Worker of Tajikistan”, Tabarov A.Kh. with the Ismoil Somoni Prize and Professor Sattorov A.S. a number of medals and certificates.
Over the years, teachers V.Kh. worked at the department. Tashbaev, Kh. Narziev, O. Khosabekov, I. Vafokhodjaev, A. Kaziev, K. Salimov, S. Gadoev, M. Khodzhibekova, M. Obidova, G. Dzhanibekov, M. Chorshanbieva, Kh. Radjabov, B. Rakhmonov and other.
The department’s prospects for the coming years consist of the following goals: development and implementation of innovative methods in the educational process; development of training programs, electronic books and creation of an electronic collection of lectures; developing projects and programs to obtain grants and other sources of funding; organizing and holding republican and international conferences; training of young personnel. Teachers of the department for 1971-2021 published more than 450 scientific articles, 40 textbooks and teaching aids, 310 scientific reports, 3 scientific monographs and other teaching materials.
oday, Professor A.S. Sattorov works at the department. associate professors Zokirov S.Kh., Kamalidinov J., Nimatov Kh., Shukurov Kh.R., Kholikov A., Boboerov Sh.K., Ph.D. Shukurova G.N., assistants Khafizova M.T., Rushanov B.N., Iskakndar J., Mirzoev J.A., Dadaboev P.A. They are engaged in training and educating a new generation of specialists.
The teaching staff and staff of the department direct all their efforts and knowledge to further increase the rank and image of the department, strengthen the scientific and educational base and implement the educational policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, for the development of science and education in the country, educating young people in the spirit of creativity and patriotism, continuing good traditions so that the department can work better and better.
First and last name | Job title | Teaching degree | Teaching ranks | |
![]() | Zokirov Sangali Khikmatovich | Head of the department | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Sattorov Abdumannon Sattorovich | Professor | Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | Professor |
![]() | Kamoliddinov Jamoliddin | assistant professor | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Nimatov Hakim | assistant professor | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Shukurov Hydeboy Rasulovich | assistant professor | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Kholikov Abdurozik | assistant professor | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Boboyorov Shavkat Kendzhaevich | assistant professor | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | assistant professor |
![]() | Shukurova Ganjina Narzikulovna | senior lecturer | Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | senior lecturer . |
![]() | Rushanov Bakhodur Nimatovich | assistant | assistant | |
![]() | Khafizova Mavjuda Tulanovna | assistant | senior lecturer | |
![]() | Iskandari Jumakhon | assistant | assistant | |
![]() | Mirzoev Junaydullo Abdulloevich | assistant | assistant | |
![]() | Dadaboev Parviz Abdusalomovich | assistant | assistant |