Publication list for 2023

List of scientific articles published in “Scopus” and “Web of science” database

  1. Zarifzoda S.K. Some Classes of First-Order Integro-Differential Equations and their Conjugate Equations. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics. 2023. Vol. 44.No. 7. pp. 2982-2991.
  2. Ashurov M. Spatial distribution of meteorological conditions in the Zerafshan river basin. Hydrometeorological research and forecasts. 2023. No. 3 (389). pp. 20-35.
  3. Radzhabov N., Radzhabova L.N. Integral equations of Volterra type with two boundary and one internal singular points // Differential equations, 2023, T. 59, No. 9, pp. 1247-1259.
  4. Ilolov M., Rahmatov J.Sh., Lashkarbekov S. Stochastic equation of a porous medium with fractional laplacian and white noise. Stochastic Modeling and Computational Sciences Vol. 3 No. 2 (December 2023), 171-187.
  5. Ilolov M., Kuchakshoev K., Mirshahi M., Rahmatov J.Sh. Nonlinear stochastic equation in epidemiology. Global and Stochastic Analysis Vol. 10 No. 3 (December, 2023), 75-84.
  6. Ilolov M., Ilolov A., Inagaki F. and Rahmatov J. Stochastic Fractality of the Gilondi Geothermal Reservoir, Proceedings of 48th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 6-8, 2023 SGP-TR- 224, pp. 1-13.
  7. Shabozov M.Sh. On the best joint approximation of functions in Bergman space B2 // Mat. notes. 2023. T.114. Vol. 3. P.435-446.
  8. Shabozov M.Sh., Yusupov G.A. On the best polynomial approximation of functions in Hardy space // Chebyshev collection. 2023. T.24. No. 1.P.182-193.
  9. Shabozov M.Sh., Malakbozov Z.Sh. Exact inequalities of Jackson-Stechkin type in the Hardy space H2 and widths of classes of functions // Ufa Mat. magazine 2023. T.15. No. 2. P.74-84.
  10. Shabozov M.Sh., Shabozova A.A. On joint approximation of some classes of functions in Bergman space B2 // News of universities. Mathematics. 2023. (accepted for publication).
  11. Shabozov M.Sh., Shabozova A.A., Kadamshoev N.U. The value of n-widths of some classes of analytic functions in the Bergman B2 space // Vestn. Moscow Univ. Ser. Mathematics. Mechanics. 2023. (accepted for publication).
  12. Shabozov M.Sh., Malakbozov Z.Sh. Sharp Jackson-Stechkin type inequalities in Hardi space Н2 and widths of functional classes // Ufa Math. Journal. 2023. V.15. No2. P.74-84.
  13. Shabozov M.Sh. On the Best Simultaneous Approximation in the Bergman Space B2 // Math. Notes. 2023. V.114. No3. P.377–386.
  14. Rakhmonov Z.Kh. Generalization of Waring’s problem for nine almost proportional cubes // Chebyshev collection. 2023. T. 24. No. 2. P.145-160.
  15. Rakhmonov Z.Kh. Generalization of Goldbach’s ternary problem with almost equal terms // Chebyshev collection. 2023. T. 24. No. 2. P.237-249.

List of scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals for 2023

  1. Khokiev D.J. Estimation of double sums of Dirichlet character values from shifted products of two numbers lying in arithmetic progressions // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023, volume 66, No. 5-6, pp. 263-267.
  2. Rakhmonov Z.Kh., Azamov A.Z., Nazrubloev N.N. Asymptotic formula in a generalization of Waring’s problem for almost proportional cubes // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023, vol. 66, no. 1-2, pp. 5-10.
  3. Rakhmonov Z.Kh., Allakov I., Abraev B.T. Asymptotic formula in a generalization of the ternary Goldbach problem with almost equal terms // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023, volume 66, no. 5-6, pp. 257-262.
  4. Saidzoda I.M. Usulҳoi bachisobgiri ta’siri omilʳoi tabi va anthropogeni dar amsilai mathematicians tashakkul va rushdi marҳilaҳoi ҳayoti oilai zanburi asal/ Komilyon F.S., Saidzoda I.M.// Payomi Donishgoi millii Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi tabi, 2023, No. 2, pp. 5-18.
  5. Saidzoda I.M. Istifodai Samaranoki MS Excel dar halli masalahoi zinai tahsiloti umumi/ Saidzoda I.M., Saykhafarov A.I. // Payomi Akademiyai takhsiloti Tojikiston. Bakhshi technology and talim, 2023, No. 1(46), pp. 169-178.
  6. Saidzoda I.M. Amsilai system and ittilotii department / Saidzoda I.M., Davlatov A.I. // Payomi Donishgohi davlatii tikhorati Tokikiston, 2023, No. 1(45), p.355-362.
  7. Saidzoda I.M. Barnomasosii computer nakshi harorat va namnokii khavo dar faoliyati oilai zanburi asal / Saidzoda I.M. // Payomi Donishgohi technologies Tojikiston. Bakhshi technology and ittilooty va innovation, 2023, No. 2(53), pp. 136-142.
  8. Saidzoda I.M. Barnomasozii computer faoliyati zanburi asal vobasta ba tasiri bemoricho wa zararrasonho / Saidzoda I.M., F.S. Komilien // Payomi Donishgohi Khorug. Bakhshi ilmhoi riyozi va tabi, 2023, No. 1 (25), pp. 103-115.
  9. Saidzoda I.M. Asoshoi ilmi-methods talimi technologiesi ittilooti / Saizoda I.M., U.M. Karimov, K.E. Khayotov // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi pedagogi, 2023, No. 6, pp. 176-183.
  10. Komilien, F. S. Mushkiloti amsilasozii mathematiki va kompyuterii ecosystemakhoi makhzankhoi obi dar Toqikiston va arzebii dynamicsa zahirahoi biology ongho / F.S. Komilien // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi iҷtimoѣ-iqtisodi va gamiyati, 2023, No. 4, p.98-118.
  11. Komilien, F. S. Ravishhoi corkard va tatbiqi bozikhoi didaktikyu computer innovations dar talimi fanny technologies and ittilooti dar sinfi 5 / F.S. Komilien, R.S. Kodirzoda // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston, 2023, No. 6, p. 270-283.
  12. Kodirzoda, R. S. Tahlil va tafsiri natiҷaҳoi korҳoi ozmoishiyu takhribavi az tatbiqi methodology and boziҳoi didacticski dar mashguliyatҳoi darsii fanny technologyi ittilooti dar sinfi 5 / R.S. Kodirzoda, F.S. Komilien // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston, 2023, No. 5, p.270-281.
  13. Komilyon, F.S. Asoshoi biology va iktisodia amsilasozii populatsiya murgi margon / F.S.Komiliyon, D.I. Solihozoda // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi tabi, 2023, No. 1(1), pp. 27-36.
  14. Mirzoev, S.Kh. Usuli munazzamsozii sokhtorhoi biology noustuvori mamnugohi “Beshai Palangon” (baroi kismati kamishiyu biyoboni) vobasta bo nazardoshti sinusoli khayat va taksimoti fazoi / S.Kh. Mirzoev, Gulov S. // Payomi Donishgohi davlatii Bokhtar ba nomi Nosiri Khusrav. Silsilai ilmhoi mathematics, 2023, No.2/3(102), pp.21-28.
  15. Mirzoev, S.Kh. Khosiyati moddahoi zararnok va arzebii holati iflosshavii khavoi atmosphere dar kalamravi Ҷumҳurii toqikiston / S.Kh.Mirzoev, Razykov N.A., Kurbonova N.M. // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences, 2023, No. 4, pp. 40-52.
  16. Mirzoev, S. Kh. On the need to create agricultural robots in the Republic of Tajikistan / S. Kh. Mirzoev, T.B. Mannonov // Makhalai nazariyavi va ilmiyu istekhsoli “Kishovarz”. 2023, No. 4(97), pp.115-188.
  17. Mirzoev, S.Kh. Mathematical model for assessing the process of atmospheric pollution by motor transport / S.Kh. Mirzoev, T.N. Nasridinova // Bulletin of the Branch of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in the city of Dushanbe. Series of Natural Sciences, 2023, No. 2(18), pp. 122-131.
  18. Mirzoev, S.Kh. Models of mathematics moddahoi zararovar az nakliyoti cars ba atmosphere dar sharҳrҳoi sanoati (dar misoli sh. Bokhtar va Yovon) / S.H. Mirzoev, Razykov N.A., Kurbonova N.M.// Payomi Donishgoi davlatii Bokhtar ba nomi Nosiri Khusrav. Silsilai ilmhoi mathematics, 2023, No. 2/3(102), pp. 147-158.
  19. Mirzoev, S.Kh. Control algorithm and navigation system of a mobile robot / S.Kh. Mirzoev, Manonov T.B. // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of natural sciences, 2023, no. 1/3(103), pp. 134-138.
  20. Murodov, P.S. Possibilities of Google Colab for automatic text processing / P. S. Murodov // Bulletin of the Branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in the city of Dushanbe, 2023, volume 1, No. 1(29), p. 25-34.
  21. Murodov, P. S. Vector representation of words / P. S. Murodov // Bulletin of the Technological University of Tajikistan, 2023, No. 1(52), pp. 109-116.
  22. Rizoev S.S. Ҷanbakhoi methods istifodaya tekhnalogiya khoi ittilooti dar ravandi talim / Sidzoda I.M., Rizoev S.S. Saidҷakhfarov A.I. // Payomi donishgohi omuzgori
  23. Mannonov T. Architecture of the control system S.Kh. Mirzoev, T.B. Mannonov // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences, 2023, No. 2(1), pp. 78-85. Odinaev, R.N. Study of a mathematical model of cotton agrocenosis in a stationary case [Technical text]/ R.N. Odinaev, A.B. Gaforov, V. Mukhakov // Bulletin of the Tajik National University, 2023, No. 3, pp. 24-36.
  24. Odinaev A.Ҳ. Muminov S. Muayyan namudani ravandi aznavsuғurtakuniy havfho va tagolili he dar shirkatҳoi suғurtakunanda Ҷumҳurii Toqikiston // Bulletin of Bokhtar State University named after Nosir Khusrav. Silsilai ilmhoi humanitariani va iktisodi, 2023, No. 1/1 (107), p.250-259.
  25. Odinaev A.H. Muminov S. Amsilasozii komyuterii ravandi havfi suғurtakuni // Muҳakқiқi ҷavon. Donishgohi milli tojikiston. Markazi tabu nashr, bargardon va taruma. Dushanbe, 2023, No. 4, pp. 228-236.
  26. Abdukarimov M.F. Study of one mixed problem for the telegraph equation with a variable coefficient from the L2 class. Bulletin of the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Dushanbe. Series of natural sciences, 2023, volume 1, no. 2(31), pp. 56-72.
  27. Abdukarimov M.F. Boundary control of a process described by a telegraph equation with a variable coefficient, produced by an elastic force at one end with the other free. Bulletin of the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Dushanbe. Series of natural sciences, 2023, volume 1, no. 3(33), pp. 5-17.
  28. Abdukarimov M.F., Barotov R.T. Methodology tashkil va guzaronidani korhoi laboratory az fanni methodoi adaddi dar misoli mavzui tatbiki formulai quadraturia umumishudai trapetsiyaho. // Payomi Academyi takhsiloti Tojikiston, 2023, No. 3(48), pp. 73-80.
  29. Abdukarimov M.F., Yusufzoda K.B. Doir ba masalai arzebii vokebinonai donishi donishҷӯyon winter barguzori korҳoi sanҷishi dar misoli mavzui ҷoiwazkuniҳo. // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston, 2023, No. 12, pp. 37-46.
  30. Abdukarimov M.F. Ba’ze masalaho doir ba in yo on hosiyati bisoruzvaho // Masalahoi methodology and talim, 2023, No. 7, pp. 9-14.
  31. Kabilov M.M., Sadriddinov P.B., Barotov A.S. Comparative analysis of the main parameters of the combustion wave of a propane-air mixture in two models of filtration combustion of gases // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023, volume 66, No. 1-2, pp. 56-64.
  32. Sadriddinov P.B. Analysis of the mathematical model of a homogeneous rod using the MatLab program. // Bulletin of the Tajik National University. Series of Natural Sciences, 2023, No. 1, pp. 21-30.
  33. Shermatov N. Algorithms for hizob kardani adadhoi tavsifiya buzurgy tasodufi. // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston, 2023, No. 2, pp. 63-71.
  34. Sadulloev R.I., Barotov R.T. Vobastagii correlatsioni sifati sement ba omilhoi khimiavi. // Payomi Donishgohi millii Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi tabii, 2023, No. 1, pp. 5-20.
  35. Sadulloev R.I. Vobastagigoi correlations bazze hosiyathoi namii hok. Makhallai // Muhakiqi khavon. Donishgohi milli Tojikiston, 2023, No. 1, p.203-207.
  36. Zarifzoda S.K. Tadqiqi muodilahoi integro-differentialii tartibi yakumi modeli bo se nuqtai makhsus. // Paymi Donishgohi milli Tojikiston. Bakhshi ilmhoi tabi, 2023, No. 2, pp. 19-30.
  37. Barotov R.T. Sukhane chand roҷe ba methodology tashkil va guzaronidani korҳoi laboratory az kursi methodҳoi adaddi dar misoli mavzui methodi Seidel. // Paimi Donishgohi millii Tokikiston, 2023, No. 2, pp. 298-311.
  38. Zakirov S.Kh. Boundary value problem for one degenerate elliptic equation // Bulletin of the branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Dushanbe, 2023. Volume 1. No. 3 (33), pp. 25-29.
  39. Radzhabova L.N. On explicit solutions of an overdetermined system of integral equations of Volterra type with special boundary lines, // DNAS of Tajikistan, 2022 volume 65, no. 9-10, p. 601-609.(salt 2023 chop shud).
  40. Radzhabova L.N. On solutions of an overdetermined system of integral equations of Volterra type with special boundary lines in the form of generalized power series. // DNAS of Tajikistan, 2022, volume 65, No. 11-12, pp. 721-728. (salt 2023 chop shud).
  41. Radzhabov N. To the theory of one class of an overdetermined system of integral equations over a cylindrical domain. // DNAS of Tajikistan, 2023, No. 5-6, pp. 297-307.
  42. Kodirov D.A. On the best joint approximation of functions by Fourier series from the eigenfunctions of the Sturm-Liouville problem in // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023, volume 64, no. 9-10. pp.508-515.
  43. Khushvakhtzoda M.B. On the theory of model three-dimensional integral equations of Volterra type with boundary singular and weakly singular domains. // DNAS of Tajikistan, 2023, vol. 66, no. 5-6, p. 308-316.
  44. Mirkalonova M.A. Estimation of the remainder of the Taylor series for some classes of analytic functions by Taylor sums in the Hardy space. // DNAS of Tajikistan, 2023, volume 66, No. 5-6, p. 274-282.
  45. Akhmadov F.M. On some cases of a two-dimensional integral equation of Volterra type with boundary singular and strongly singular lines, when the parameters of the equation are not related to each other / F.M. Akhmadov // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, 2023. No. 2(191), pp. 18-26.
  46. Radzhabova L.N., Akhmadov F.M. Problems of Cauchy type for a two-dimensional integral equation of Volterra type with boundary individuals

List of textbooks (in 2023)

  1. Khairulloev Sh. A., Hokiev D.J. Basics of analytic number theory. Textbook. Dushanbe, 2023, 165 p.
  2. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology: textbook for the 6th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Komiliyan, B. F. Faizalizoda. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023., 168 p.
  3. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology. Textbook for the 10th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Perfections. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023, 272 p.
  4. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology: textbook for the 7th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Komiliyan, Z.F. Rahmonzoda, I.M. Saidzoda. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023, 194 p.
  5. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology. Textbook for the 8th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Komiliyan, I.M. Saidzoda, R.J. Davlatov. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023. – 200 p.
  6. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology: textbook for the 9th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Komiliyan, M.R. Yorov. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023. – 208 p.
  7. Komiliyan, F. S. Information technology. Textbook for the 11th grade of general education institutions / F.S. Komiliyan, T. Sharipov (Rozi), S.H. Mirzoev, I.L. Kasimov, Z.F. Rahmonzoda. – Dushanbe: Education, 2023. – 280 p.
  8. Ergasheva M. and others Theoretical mechanics (Dynamics). Dushanbe, 2023. – 236 p.
  9. Zakirov S.H. Great math. Part 1. Textbook. – Dushanbe, 2023. – 356 p.

List of teaching aids

  1. Hokiev D.J.. Advanced algebra with solution examples. – Dushanbe “Tajikistan National University Press”, 2023. – 177 p.
  2. Hokiev D.J. A collection of examples and problems from elementary algebra. – Dushanbe “Tajikistan National University Press”, 2023. – 126 p.
  3. Saidzoda I.M. Computer simulation (educational materials for laboratory work)/ Saidzoda I.M., Odinazoda S.A. // Educational materials for laboratory work. Dushanbe, 2023. – P.102.
  4. Abdukarimov M.F. The method of mathematical induction and its application. Dushanbe, 2023. 110 p.
  5. Shermatov N. A short course in probability theory and mathematical statistics. Dushanbe, 2023. – 106 p.
  6. Ashurov M., Sadridinov P.B. Theoretical mechanics (Statics). Dushanbe, 2023. – 132 p.
  7. Mirzoev A.H., Rajabova L.N., Shoymkulov B.M. Mathematical olympiad problems for students. Dushanbe, 2023, 158 p.
  8. Komilov O.O. Biometric information protection. Dushanbe, 2023, DMT, 70 p.
  1. List of monographs
  2. Saidzoda I.M. Mathematical and computer modeling technologies of bee family population / Saidzoda I.M.// Monograph, -Dushanbe, 2023. -100 p.
  3. Komiliyan F.S. Computer management of information and service systems (Scientific monograph)/ Komilian F.S., Yorov M.R. // Dushanbe: LLC “Nushbod” – 2023, 154 p.
  4. Hamidova D. N. Computer modeling of amyloid fibrils and their process of dendrimer and dendrigraft destruction: Monograph. / D.N. Hamidova, I.M. Neelov, F.S. Perfections. – Dushanbe: “Bebok”, 2023. – 152 c.
  5. Abdukarimov M.F. The study of some tasks of boundary process control described by the telegraph equation with variable coefficients. Dushanbe, 2023. 298 p.
  6. Kurbanov K.Yu., Badalova B.A., Kurbanova F.K. Development of the potato industry in conditions of food independence. Monograph. – Monday: “Irfan” 2023. – 100 p.