Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Mirzoev Shodi Ashurmadovich was born on 04/06/1984 in Khojagalton village of Shurobad district (now Shamsiddin Shahin) Khatlon region of the Republic of Tajikistan. From 09/01/1990, he went to secondary school No. 3 named after Dzhumakhan Ikromov in Shurobad district and graduated in 2001 with excellent grades.

In 2004, he entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tajik State National University (now Tajik National University) and graduated in 2009 with a red diploma.

On 01.01.2010, he was accepted into the postgraduate full-time department of the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tajik National University and defended his PhD thesis within the specified time.

On 01.09.2013, by order of the Rector of the Tajik National University, he was hired as an assistant at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tajik National University. In 2018-2022, he worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Mechanics, at the same time he held the position of Deputy Dean for Educational Work during these years. He is the author of two textbooks and more than 20 scientific articles and reports.

Since September 1, 2022, by order of the Rector, Tajik National University holds the position of Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.