Department of information science

Kosimov Ismail Latipovich was born on February 17, 1971 in the Ordzhonkidzobad district, now the city of Vakhdat, in the family of a teacher. In 1992 he entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tajik State University (now the National University of Tajikistan) with a degree in Applied Mathematics, from which he graduated in 1999. From 2000 to 2018 he worked as a senior laboratory assistant, assistant, senior teacher, and acting. Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of TNU, and from September 2018 to April 2022 – 1st degree advisor of the dean of the joint faculty of TNU with Belarusian universities. From April 22, 2022 to March 2025 he was dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of TNU.
Kosimov Ismail Latipovich defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Development and research of a mathematical model of the dynamics of ecological systems of fish ponds with grass carp”, in the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. Kasimov I.L. has 1 monograph which was published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, in Germany, entitled “Simulation model of the ecosystem dynamics of a macrophyte fish pond. — LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (Project ID:#130070; ISBN 978-3-659-80543-1) LAP: OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG, Bahnhofstraße 28, D-66111 Saarbrücken” and has published more than 50 scientific articles and theses in domestic and foreign journals. Also, to date, two educational books have been published for grades 10 and 11 on information technology, seven teaching aids for teachers, three curriculums in the subjects “Fundamentals of Computer Science and Theory of Algorithms”, “Computing Practice”, “Programming” and a teacher’s manual in the subject information technology for grade 11.


The Department of Informatics is one of the creations of the State Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan. The department, as an educational, scientific and educational part of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National University of Tajikistan, has trained hundreds of highly qualified specialists for the country’s economy and has made a significant contribution to the development of the economy, science and culture of the country.

The department was founded in 1991 and trains specialists in the field of 31030400 – “Informatics”. Today, 15 teachers are engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities at the department.

In 1991-2012, the head of the department was the Worker of Science and Technology of Tajikistan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M.K. Yunusi. From 2013 to 2015, the department was headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences F.S. Komilien. From 2015 to 2018, the head of the department was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Kh.M. Jalilov. From 2019 to the present, the department is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Saidzoda Isroil Mahmad.

The department conducts scientific seminars for teachers and scientific and educational circles for students, in which, in addition to experienced teachers, young specialists and students actively participate. Leading students of the department annually take part in republican subject Olympiads, student scientific competitions, research programs and are recognized as winners of these competitions.

From the first days of its creation, the department established scientific and educational cooperation with similar departments of higher educational institutions of the republic and foreign countries, international organizations and organizations based in Tajikistan and the world. Training of specialists with a scientific degree is considered one of the priority areas of the department. Under the guidance of distinguished teachers of the department, Professor (late) M.K. Yunusi and Professor F.S. More than 40 applicants, graduate students and doctoral students defended their candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Teachers of the department have published about 500 scientific articles and abstracts of reports and more than 300 scientific and methodological books in the form of scientific monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines and educational programs, and standards.

All textbooks on information technology for students in grades 5-10 in secondary educational institutions of the republic and textbooks on computer science for students in higher educational institutions are written by teachers of the computer science department. Most of the teachers of the department are members of the coordination group of programs and textbooks for the subject of information technology under the National Education Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, headed by Professor F.S. Komilien.

Full Name Job title Academic degree Academic title
Saidzoda Isroil Mahmad Head of department Candidate of Technical Sciences Assistant  professor
Komiliyon Fayzali Sa’dullo Professor Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor
Mirzoev Say’lo Habibuloevich Assistant  professor Doctor of Technical Sciences Assistant  professor
Qosimov Ismoil Latipovich Dean of the Faculty Candidate of Technical Sciences
Jalilov Khurshed Maqsudovich Assistant  professor Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences  Assistant  professor
Naimov Nurullo Mahmadulloevich Assistant  professor Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences  
Tagoev Shamsullo Khursandovich Senior Lecturer Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences  
Yorov Mehrdod Rahmatulloevich Senior Lecturer Candidate of Technical Sciences  
Rizoev Samariddin Sun’atulloevich Senior Lecturer    
Karimov Umed Musoevich Assistant     
Fayzulloev Farhod Rajabovich Assistant     
Raimzoda Farahnoz Assistant     
Mavlonzoda Safarali Hikmatulloevich Assistant     
Solihzoda Dilovari Imomali Assistant     
Холдонов Абдурахмон Абдуллоевич Assistant     

According to the development program of the department for 2018-2023, its activities should be carried out in such a way that, as the main educational, methodological, scientific, creative and cultural center of computer science and information technology in the republic, it can be used in all areas of science and knowledge, development of concepts, scientific theories and creation of modern information technologies. Priority areas of activity of the department in 2018-2023:

  • educational – training of highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the time and the world market;
  • scientific – based on the best domestic and foreign traditions, taking into account the requirements and characteristics of the republic, preservation and expansion of scientific potential in the field of computer science;
  • innovative – turning the department into a center for the development of innovations in the field of computer science and information and communication technologies;
  • cultural – by creating a spiritual environment, turning the department into one of the information and cultural centers of the republic.